Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A bit of this and that

A few months ago Michael came home all excited about these things called Bento Boxes and Onigiri I gave him my standard "Oh boy" and a shrug.

He went into the kitchen and started making some Onigiri. It was white rice and tuna mixed with soy sauce. You mix the tuna and soy, then you let the rice cool just a tad so it won't burn you. Roll the rice into a ball and poke a hole in the middle with your finger. Then stick a bit of the tuna into it and seal it up and chill it for a little bit. I like them chilled after that, but they are yummy either way!

Anyway, the neat thing about them is they are very portable. They make a great lunch. You can fill them with anything too- it doesn't have to be tuna. I think I may start sending them to school with the kids for lunch, the stuff they serve at the schools here is pretty horrid. You can do all sorts of things with the Bento boxes, and its very finger friendly foods- great for kids! Here's a bunch of cute ideas Bento Box ideas .

Their last day of school break was today. The weather was nice (so warm!) earlier so I told them to get outside and play for awhile. I told them they needed to run off some of that energy. Matthew quickly shot back at me "Mommy you know what? I get MORE energy going outside. I get INVIGORATED!" The kid is always debating things with me, and I knew that conversation could go on for awhile. He was right, they always get so wired up out there. On the flip side they tend to crash earlier! I wonder where that personality will land him someday. I am sure it will work out in his favor as an adult, so I will appreciate him for who he is. Future litigator perhaps? lol

Moira spent the last two days drawing and scrapbooking.She made a cute picture last night for me. The purple thing is a shark. Apparently the mermaid is lost and the girl on the ship is telling her "I love you". hee hee

Moira's drawing

Matthew usually dislikes drawing and refuses to use crayons. If you offer him markers sometimes he will draw something. In my quest to keep them entertained I asked him to draw.

The blue swirly thing is a "whirlpool" and they are getting pulled into it. The guys with swords are all pirates, and theres some kind of fight going on. Oh the differences between boys and girls. His made me giggle lol I am sure it could be disturbing to someone, but Michael assures me that he is 100 percent grade A boy. :-P

My youngest sister Crystle found out she is having a baby girl today. She is going to name her Jenna Rose. It's a beautiful name I think :D. I can't wait to meet her!

The last photo is my monkey aka Matthew in our backyard tree, just like his daddy!

I guess that's all for today :) Hope everyone's having a great week.