Nothing huge going on here. The puppy (aka horse/moose) is growing FAST. She just recently learned what the bells on the door were for (after 3+ months of begging her to use them) and is now fully house trained. THANK GOD lol.
Ok...... so I stared at him waiting for him to explain what the heck that is. He goes "do you know what that is?" Sure, I know what that is, of course I can name off all sorts of things. NO I DON'T!! Tell me please
Well a lipoma is a non cancerous tumor that just shows up basically. It's the most common benign tumor in humans and animals. So, hey lucky me. But that 20 percent was bugging me. He referred me to a surgeon that I saw yesterday. The surgeon told me to not worry that he's pretty sure it's a lipoma and I will be ok. I am going to have a cat scan sometime before the weekend hopefully.
I can't tell you what it feels like to be worrying that your life is flashing by while waiting for answers to stuff like this. For the last week it's been a roller coaster of emotions. I worried about the dog, the kids, Michael, the house. I thought about how I was gonna have to hire a maid for Michael if I was going to kick the bucket. How the dog would probably have to be given away because as much as they love the doggie, I am the one that does most of her care. How Moira's hair would be a wreck every day while she's young. And so many other things. It's truly amazing what you think about. I am not so worried now, the biggest thing is thinking about how big this incision is gonna be o.O.
Moira was in a big art contest here locally. That girl is GOOD. She just won 2nd place on her penguin. I'll be posting some photos of it on flickr soon.
Matthew just finished his piano recital for the semester too. I swear he is a genius.... He did amazing in comparison to some of those kids that have been in piano for the full year (he got in late this year). He has an enthusiasm for it, really loves it. Moira is dancing and will have her recital soon. She's gonna be so cute :D. They are doing the Wizard of Oz this year. She's been telling me she wants out of dance for the last couple of months and that bummed me out because she is GOOD at ballet- she is really really good. She is just inherently lazy (she gets that naturally I am sad to say). She's got the talent just not the drive. I guess I have to keep her motivated.
Yesterday she came home and told me she decided to stay in dance. I was very pleased :). I never wanted to be one of those moms that forces her kids to do things they don't really want to do. I'd like them to do it because they truly love to do it. They have a passion for it. I can 100 percent say Matthew has that passion for piano (and math- wow at that kid with the math).
Moira has a clear passion for art (particularly drawing and painting) and she excels at that. So if dancing is not for her in the future I guess we will focus on that with her.
I really did luck out in the kid department. I know we all think our kids are special, but I really feel very lucky to have those two. Now I am all mushy and teary again. Sigh! I'll just blame the estrogen (as usual :P).
I wasn't expecting this to turn out so long >.>. hee hee I guess that's what happens when I don't post for a few months!
This blogging site kinda got forgotten by me (oops) but I have been posting lots of photos on my flickr site. I usually write a bit there under certain photos, so to a degree it is a blog I guess. Photo blog maybe? hee hee Hope everyone's having a great time, give me some updates on yourselves from time to time!!