I was tagged by Mark aka DoodlesNPoodles www.flickr.com/photos/31097516@N04/3442900777/ to do 11 things about myself. Thanks Mark :) I've done a couple in the past so I hope I haven't repeated anything, but if I have forgive me! ;-) I am terrible about these things.
PS This photo was taken of me a few years ago on a park that my sisters and I used to frequent as children. Good memories!
11 things about me
1. I was born in England and have dual citizenship. We came to the States when I was 5. I would never go back to live, but it is fun to visit.
2. I have boy/girl twins, and they were born almost a full hour a part. I had a regular birth and an emergency c-section in the same day. In my wildest dreams I could never imagine my first hospital stay being quite so eventful, lol.
3. I've got a "British" sense of humor, and I am prone to dirty jokes and very cheesy comedy cracks me up. I can't help it!
4. I love Tex-Mex, my rear end does not. >.<
5. I love all animals and insects, except mosquitoes and ants. They can go straight to... well you know.
6. I am a Scrabble fanatic. If I was stuck on an island with only one game and one person to play it with, that would be the one.
7. I once was pulled over by a police officer for turning into the wrong lane. I tricked him into thinking I was a British foreign exchange student to get out of the ticket (I was 18). I guess my accent was believable. I know, it was terrible of me. I was poor and desperate! lol
8. We only had one breed of dog while I was growing up, Chow Chows. I loved them as a child but I would never own one as an adult with children around.
9. My husband told me that the day he met me he knew I was "the one". Which, when I think about it, is pretty awesome. I didn't feel the same way but I was 5 years younger and had no idea what I was looking for yet. (I did think he was sweet and cute though!)
10. I am stubborn and can be a bit bossy. I blame it on being the first born (1st of 3 girls-my poor dad) and being a Virgo. I am very "Virgo" in many ways. I am very easy to get along with though! I just tend to be the one doing the pushing and prodding in groups and at home. It has it's good and bad ends.
11. I worked as an office manager for 2 years. Unless I am desperate I never want to work in an office again. It was far too monotonous (it was busy though!) and is not for me at all. On the plus side I did meet some great people while there :-).