Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31/365: Michael discovers the wonders of cameras

Michael took 70 pictures on the way home... all of them were slow processing shots of car lights, lol.

That's the longest he's ever held a camera. He HATES it when I ask him to take photos, so this was quite unusual for him.

Typically he groans at me, snaps a few photos. His idea of awesome photos..... food hanging out of your mouth, triple chin, bending over, blurry, or your back... he thinks they are the best. "Candid" extreme if you will.

If you dare to smile or pose, there's a good chance he will refuse to take the photo and get irritated at me suggesting a "posed" picture. OR he will just stand there hitting the shutter over and over with no regard for how it turns out.

There's no love lost on the camera for him, for sure. I always wind up frustrated with him over it, but I've gotten used to it. He can be as headstrong as me sometimes. *grumble*

Anyway this was a monumental day! He played and played! It's all squiggly lines and blurry shots, but he had fun- lol.

Here's an example!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 30/365: The kitchen Window

This is the window I am usually looking out when I am doing things in the kitchen. Admittedly, lately, I haven't been doing much. The Hubby has been very sweet cooking dinner and doing the dinner dishes. He's been enjoying it, or so he says.

But when I am in there during the day doing this or that, I like to look out the window. What you can't see, is on the other wall (L shaped right there) is another window. So they basically bump up to each other there. That's nice because I can get a good view.

I usually start with the realization that our neighbors keep their yard up WAY more than we do. That's something I am hoping to improve on this year. The yard. It's in a sad state currently. I'd like to put new grass in and landscape it a bit. I bought a great book about Texas gardening (because I honestly have NO idea what the heck I am doing). I'd like a small vegetable and herb garden in the back yard. I'd also like some hardy plants for the front yard to spruce it up.

Before any of that though, we need grass again! Our grass is in a horrid state. Our neighbor thinks it's chinch bugs. I need to find out what those are before I buy new grass..... sigh. If I can get rid of those then we should be good to go!

Eventually I'd like to work in some pretty flowers.... but I guess basics first (aka the boring stuff!).

I think once I get going it will be a fun project!

I guess this really wasn't about the window, but oh well. I like the window! I doubt letting the ivy climb the house is a good idea, but I like the ivy too.

I'm hopeless.


Sophie... she wants what he's got!

She was going nuts because she wanted what Charley had. This is a daily thing with her, she's crazy!

If she isn't laying in my lap, chasing Abby around, humping Abby's leg, she's terrorizing Charley over whatever he happens to have.

(ps I was talking to Michael in the other room, sorry for the loud voice)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29/365: Mommy.... Please???

I had to run to the store after picking up the kids from school. We were doing well until I went to pick up bird seed.

In that area they have all the pretty Bettas lined up on an end cap. The kids always go look. Most of the time we make it out without a problem.

Today, however....

Moira saw a female betta that looks exactly like a male one we have. She's always looking for the girls, usually the ones they have are hideous (the clear white ones with red splotches... not so hot).

She fell in love. She has the biggest puppy dog eyes!! She even had her brother backing her up!!

So, we walked out with our 5th betta.

She is cute though, isn't she?


Day 29/365: Spelling Homework

Originally uploaded by donnyatx
They had to do "a story" today with all 10 spelling words. This is the one that gives ME the most headache because they procrastinate and moan and groan about it. But they did it- took an hour- but it got done! :-P

I have to separate them because they chit chat or act silly then one gets mad and the other is "but it's not my fault mommy!" Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28/365: Products

Day 28/365: Products
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I'm a bit particular about certain things. One of them being showers... gotta have one every day and it usually takes me a good 20-30 minutes. I've always been that way. I remember my dad getting pretty fed up with my long showers. He tried to limit me to 5 minute showers (!!!!!!!!). Crazy! I don't remember that lasting long. Clearly the man didn't understand the importance of a female teens hygiene! The horrors! lol

I didn't grow out of the long showers, and my list of "other stuff" grew. I went from needing a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo to... this.

It all started when I was 18. I got a job at Walgreens. They promptly placed me in the cosmetics department. I loved it there! I sold makeup, shampoo, lotion, conditioners, nail polishes- etc. We occasionally went into Houston for presentations from companies like Loreal and Revlon, and walked out with some awesome goodie bags.

And so it began. I had enough makeup, lotions, and nail products to last a lifetime. Too bad they would go bad before I did! Sigh!

I learned a few very good lessons during that time. The most important one was that SPF is good! I always wear lotion and face make up with a SPF 15 or higher. It's harder to find a good lotion with 30+ which is what I prefer. I'm very pale so it's a biggie for me.

I use an exfoliator every few days (I love the Regenerist line by Oil of Olay). I wash my face every night and use eye makeup remover. I once asked hubby to pick some up for me and wrote "eye remover" on the list by accident. He called me laughing! Oops! LOL

I'm big on body wash over soap now. The only drawback is I have to find one and stick with it, otherwise I risk being allergic to it. I have sensitive skin.

I LOVE Avon's hand lotion and foot lotion. Love it! I keep the hand lotion with me always. Good stuff. Chapstick is always around too!

I wear makeup anytime I go out. I feel rather icky without it. Hubby thinks it's silly but that's ok, he doesn't have to live in my head! lol

Perfume.... I used to have SO many. As I've gotten older I've pared down a lot. Now I have a couple I really enjoy. I like subtle scents. Right now I am on a Marc Jacobs "Daisy" kick. Love that stuff.

I'd probably wanna die if I had to live without all this stuff now. >.< Ok, maybe that's being melodramatic. But maybe I would wanna die! I doubt it, but I would be miserable!

That's about it. I am sure the product companies love me. :-P


Day 28/365: Vine Ripened Tomatoes- Yum!

I love tomatoes! Slice them in half and put some pesto on them, warm them up in the oven. MMMMMMM Sliced up in salads with a nice vinaigrette dressing.... droooool

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27/365 (bonus): Sophie's hiding spot.

This is Sophie the Chihuahua.

She is sneaky!

She takes toys from the dogs and slowly piles them up.


It's a spot in between our fence and behind a dead tree stump. She lays them around hoping Abby won't find them.

Of course, Abby does find them. Then it's on! They run around chasing each other. In fact, right as I was taking this photo Abby ran up. That's why it's blurry. She was about to head Abby off before she got to the treasures.

Crazy dogs.

Day 27/365: When winter comes

This is a photo of a branch off my peach tree. The fruit never fully ripens so we never eat it, but the flowers it puts off in spring are lovely. At the moment it's rather empty :-)



Just the name of this season makes me happy.

I love almost everything about it. The cold.... oh the cold. It's wonderful. I love bundling up and taking walks when it's cold. It's invigorating and makes me feel very alive.

It's windy. I love the wind, the sounds it makes through the trees. The rattling of the chimes.

We don't get snow where I am at but I would love it. Maybe not the shoveling part or driving in it. But playing in it, walking, photographing it. Making snowmen! It's beautiful.

Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years. 3 of my favorite things! I love having all my family and friends around during this time. It's always hectic but I really love it!

When it's over I spend the rest of the year in anticipation of this wonderful season.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26/365: This I believe...

I took this photo after dropping the kids off to their art and music classes. I drove around town enjoying the sunset and sky. It was a beautiful late afternoon.

This I believe....

30 Things I believe......

1. Our attitude can and will affect everything and everyone around us.

2. Communication with those you love is imperative to contentedness.

3. We are all flawed, what we choose to be aware of helps us balance out those flaws.

4. We have a responsibility to leave this earth better than we found it, and we are failing

5. War is not the answer... but sometimes it's impossible to get anywhere with out it. Just like in the real world, not everyone responds to civil discussions to work things out. That's one thing about the human spirit I dislike. It would be wonderful if we could all compromise civilly. That's my perfect world.

6. Parents are important. We should encourage our children to be who they want to be, not who we want them to be. It pains me to see a parent forcing their desires on a child that so clearly doesn't enjoy whatever it is they are made to do.

7. Communication with children not only makes them feel good, it makes the parent feel good too.

8. Driving fast is not worth the risk.

9. Neither is tailgating :-)

10. Everything is changing, if you stay still you fall behind. Keep up!

11. An open mind is a wise mind. The older I get, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I understand. My opinions on subjects are likely to change as I grow and change myself. Nothing stays the same!

12. Be willing to listen, you never know when an epiphany may occur. I've had many in my life and hope to have many more.

13. I believe religion is detrimental to society. Churches can be good for community but the things taught there can also cause division and anger among others. Wars, broken families, and broken friendships have all been caused because of a division in opinions on religion. Man created Religion, not God. It's not worth it.

14. Tolerance is one of the most important lessons we can learn as humans. Everyone deserves a chance at respect.

15. The world is made up of too many various beliefs to hold on to just one.

16. Public schools aren't all that bad. You subject your children to many things there. They learn to decide which people they befriend, how to speak to others, diplomacy, and working in a team. I've been pleasantly surprised at how my own children respond to others there. It's a way to get a sample the world before being eaten by it. There are many lessons to be learned in school, aside from academically.

17. Small dogs have smaller poop than big dogs. I think I like smaller poop better.

18. Sometimes you just have to forget what other people think and do it anyway.

19. I don't know that our spirits actually leave this earth. I have a tendency to believe we are reincarnated in some way. Maybe not right away, but at some point. We are part of a bigger energy.

20. I think it's important to tell the people you love that you love them :-)

21. Hugs are a very good thing, very good.

22. Those that are constantly negative about others are very unhappy. I always wish the best for them.

23. Being dishonest hurts everyone, including yourself.

24. Children truly are the light of the earth. Their smiles and laughter can lift the grumpiest person up.

25. Parenthood is not easy and should not be taken lightly.

26. The written word is a powerful thing.

27. In the grand scheme of things, politics aren't all that important. I don't trust any politician fully, it's a job that requires a silver tongue and diplomacy in spades.

28. Our path in life is made of choices. Some things are left to fate but many are based solely on what we have chosen to do.

29. We should treat others the way we wish to be treated ourselves. I cannot fathom living any other way.

30. Many things I wrote here are subject to change as I grow older and understand more. (Never say Never)

Inspired by:

My Father In Law

My Father In Law
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Michael's dad is in the hospital right now. He was diagnosed with colon cancer.

They went in and removed 1 foot of his colon on Monday.

He was having difficulty breathing after the surgery so they put him in the ICU. He's breathing on his own now but another issue has come up.

His kidneys aren't wanting to function properly, and it's not looking good right now. They are transferring him to a bigger hospital tomorrow for dialysis.

Keep him in your thoughts/prayers if you can please.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25/365: Signs of Affection

In this household there's no holding back on the affection.

We are a very "huggy" and "kissy" house. The dogs even get in on it! Ok, I don't kiss the dogs. That's where I draw the line. Moira does... much to my chagrin. The rest of us don't! :-P

Moira and Matt are constantly grossed out by Michael and I. We hug and kiss anytime we are in the same room. It's actually kind of amusing.

We also say "I love you" several times during the day. It's just one of those things. We'd probably make people puke if they were a fly on the wall at our house. But that's ok!

The kids won't go to sleep until they have kisses and hugs. They are very sweet! I hope they always have deep affection in their lives.

After seeing Michael and I hugging in the kitchen a few days ago, Matthew walked into the den and told Moira "Mommy and Daddy are 'bonding' right now, don't go in there". LOL

Gotta love kids!


PS I look like a moo moo in this pic but I posted it anyway because I think it's sweet! The dogs both jumped up to lick me and Moira joined in with a kiss. I love them so much. Those spontaneous moments are the best :-).

Day 25/365: Equality for all

Day 25/365: Equality
Originally uploaded by donnyatx

Yesterday I happened across a this very moving collection of photos.

I'm grateful I live in the US. I am happy here.

I wish everyone had the same rights and privileges I do here. Unfortunately, at this time, they do not.

I have to say I am ashamed of that fact. I feel pain for those who are struggling and wishing they could have the same legal unions the rest of us are able to enjoy.

It's frustrating to see it. I see it in very simple terms: 2 adults love each other, they should be allowed to marry. That's it. I don't see any of the politics or religion revolving around it, nor should there be.

It's not religion or politics that should be dictating adults love lives. It's wrong, it's unfair, and it's just flat out unkind.

For a country that is so proud of freedom: Why is that "freedom" limited based on who you love and choose to marry? Why should the religious and political dictate who marries who? I don't see that being a good thing at all.

Repeal Proposition 8, please. Do not ruin families that are already enjoying the legal benefits of a "legal" union.

Where is our compassion for our fellow humans? We all deserve to be treated equally. There should be no barriers other than our own.


PS Sophie the Chihuahua thinks so too!

My husband blogged about this issue as well. He's not as talkative in person about it, but he has a way with writing I don't have... I love his blog post today:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24/365: Breakfast

Day 24 365 Breakfast
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This morning I woke up, same as usual. Except today my honey bunny was home.

Normally I throw a couple of eggs in the microwave with some shredded cheese and a little milk. 3 minutes later I have some cheesy scrambled eggs.

I don't enjoy cooking, as I have mentioned before. I am also NOT a morning person. I am a nightowl. The last thing I want to do in the morning is cook.

My honey was in the kitchen as I began to pull out the eggs. He looked at me, then at the eggs. He said "Oh honey... do you want me to make you something good to eat? Surely you don't want.... THAT". (referring to my usual)

I nodded in agreement and handed over the eggs. A few minutes later I had a tasty omelet with red bell pepper on it and a slice of tomato.

Have I mentioned how much I love my hubby? :-)


Day 24/365: The Cinema

Day 24/365: The Cinema
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
We are lucky in the town I am in. We have an awesome 10 screen theater that is VERY cheap. $3 dollar matinee movies and 5 after 6pm. Not bad! On top of that the concession items are also very cheap compared to some of those huge theaters. It's also a quick trip from our house, 5 minutes tops. Love it!

We usually go see a movie on the weekends with the kiddos. This past weekend I took the kids and met up with a couple of my girlfriends to see 'Hotel for Dogs'.

I wasn't too excited about the movie, I figured it would be "ok" but nothing I'd love. But the kids REALLY wanted to go. I wound up pleasantly surprised. It was a great movie, plenty of laughter and a few tears. It was good. The kids enjoyed it too :D.

I hope this theater stays in town forever, because the prices are unbeatable as well as the location!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 23/365: Dreaming

Day 23/365: Dreaming
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I'm a daydreamer. Always will be I suppose.

As a child I'd get perfect scores on conduct in school. But the teachers would usually put a note "Donna tends to daydream".

I'd be thinking of far off places... similar to the photo. Flowers, birds, sunshine, green grass in spades.

I still do that. In reality when it's warm (around here anyway) it's bug season. It is not so fun!

I am not fond of getting dirty and sweaty either... so the pretty flowers... well... they don't exist. I've tried, I've had some things grow, but if I put them in the ground chances are they will die.

I've had success with container plants though! I may just stick with that.


Day 23/365 (Bonus): Circle of Life

Note: This picture stinks. I don't have a long zoom on my camera and this is a huge crop that's been sharpened. Now, on with the blogging!

Today I looked out my window to see 2 huge vultures on the road in front of our house. As usual, another dead squirrel lay on the road.

This is common around here, I live in a heavily treed neighborhood. I don't usually see the vultures though. So, I took some photos. Anytime a car would come down the road they would saunter off to the neighbor's yard, as if to say- 'you can't rush me!'.

I am thankful for those big honkin' birds. They keep the streets clean of all the unfortunate creatures. It grosses me out some, but they are useful nonetheless.

Growing up I was exceedingly empathetic to animals. I'd cry over road kill.

My poor dad. He loved to hunt. In particular, he loved to deer hunt. Every year he'd roll up with a dead dear hanging off his 4 wheeler or in a chest.... I'd ball and refuse to eat it. I am sure he hated it. Ok, well I know he hated it! I just had Bambi in my head and I thought it was unfair. I've changed my mind a bit but it still makes me sad seeing a deer that's been shot. I'll just have to live with that I guess :-P. I understand hunting has its place and I am glad the meat is used.

I found several baby birds out of their nest as a child. Most died. One was eaten by my cat.... that was not fun. Another I was able to keep alive and it thrived (I think it was a mockingbird but I am not sure). I started taking it out and showing it how to fly. One of those days it took flight and never came back. I cried! But I was proud that I was able to save it. I still think that was a really neat thing to do!

I had a cat I dressed up in clothes. My mom sewed a few things for it even, lol. She seemed to like being played with. I'd ride her around on my bike in a basket that hung off the handle bars. Looking back on it, she was pretty strange for a cat. I don't think I've met any others that would put up with any of that!

I've got a bunch of stories like those but I'll end it here. Interesting what memories a vulture eating a squirrel can conjure up!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22/365: Maude and Pearl

Toilet paper dolls. I know... make the jokes!

Well these two dolls, however silly, mean quite a bit to me.

When I was 13 I went back to England and spent the summer with my grandparents. I was 13... and very bored. I wanted to come back home and be with my friends and goof around like 13 year olds do, not be stuck with my grandparents all summer.

Silly me... that was a great experience and I was lucky to have it. But at 13 I was just not mature enough to understand that. I spent a lot of time reading my mother's old books in her room. I enjoyed that. We went to the Seaside and to the zoo, and various other things.

My grandparents were great people. My grandfather was a carpenter until he was so crippled from his Rheumatoid arthritis that he could no longer work. My grandmother was very fussy and particular about her house. Everything had to be kept very clean and neat and tidy. I was a tidy person myself so that worked out fine!

On to the dolls! Both were made by my grandmother's mother. That summer I was able to meet her, she was very old and frail. I realized that would be the last time I would have a chance to meet her.

After I came home she passed away. My grandmother sent me the doll with the blue dress and she kept the one with the green and white dress. She named them Maude (mine) and Pearl (hers). I never really cared for the name Maude, but it was funny. At one point I lost Maude's purse and my grandmother knitted 2 more for me, a blue one and a white one.

Over the years she and I wrote many letters to each other. Since I was able to write, I remember sending letters each week to them. My grandfather never wrote letters, I guess partly being a guy and partly because of the pain he had.

After she sent Maude to me we started making up stories about the "sisters". Maude was pretty normal, no major issues with her. But Pearl! Oh my she was a naughty girl.

By the time we were done with all the stories Pearl had 16 kids, with 16 fathers, and all different races. It was quite humorous to us at the time. Bear in mind I was a teenager and she was in her 60s, lol. We both had the same kind of strange humor. Pearl visited bars every night and Maude stayed in to clean.

I'll never forget laughing at those letters as we wrote back and forth to each other. When she died, I asked my mom to bring Pearl back with her. Pearl's faded but she is still fluffy, I don't think she's ever been laundered. I've washed mine a few times so she's no longer fluffy like Pearl.

They live in my closet these days, but I may put them back out on display at some point. Just not yet.

That's the story of the toilet paper dolls! :-)


Day 22/365 (Bonus): Ageing

Day 22/365 (Bonus): Ageing
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
So.... I am starting to get white hair. It's just lovely.


I don't want to get any older, really. I know everyone says with age comes wisdom. While I agree with that, I am not looking forward to all the other things that come with age.

It's true, I really don't want to go back to my 20's. It was a confusing time and I made plenty of mistakes. I'd just rather not go to those.

However, my 30's have been pretty fun so far. I've got wisdom I didn't have in the 20's and I have a good sense of who I am. I like my 30's a lot actually.

But, damn it, don't give me white hair already! I am not ready for that! I am finally comfortable with who I am and where I am going and I get slapped with white hair?

No thank you!


PS I keep pulling this particular hair out because it's so bold and obvious... but it just keeps coming back to laugh at me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21/365: Abby Baby

Day 21/365: Abby Baby
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
One year ago, to the day, we made a 3 hour drive.

I'd seen an ad for standard poodles and the picture just killed me. It was several poofy, fluffy, CUTE spoos in a red wagon. I'd been wanting a dog for a very long time, but waiting until the twins were older. Occasionally I'd browse the classifieds looking for poodles. This one I could not resist. I showed Michael, who his notorious for looking at me and shaking his head... then walking away going no. Today, he said "Oh alright". I knew he loved those puppies just like I did!

So off we went... it was a long drive. I was so excited to see the puppies! The kids were with us and that drive drove them nuts, they wanted to be there alright already :-).

Abby's mom had 9 puppies and this was her first and last litter. All the boys had brown noses, all the girls had black. They were ALL so cute I really couldn't decide. We were there about 15 minutes before, finally, one of the puppies just made its way to me. I picked her up and she was so calm and sweet in my arms. That was the way we picked her out. She was just "the one" at that point.

She was perfect on the way home, we stopped once to let her go potty. She slept mostly.

The rest of that day she didn't leave me, I had her on or near me all the time. She was 10lbs of pure fluff and cuteness!

Potty training took FOREVER. She was 5 months old before she completely stopped making mistakes in the house. I used bells and the day she started ringing those to let me know was a day I was SO glad for! Relief!

She didn't go through any destructive chewing phase thankfully. She did and does have a thing for paper though. Tissues, paper, etc. She will eat it or chew it up. Ick!

She really helped me personally. I was in a bit of a personal "funk" the last couple of years. Having her around gave me something to focus on and be busy with. She's brought more fun to our world and made us all laugh at her silliness.

She has yet to meet a stranger. The dog LOVES everyone. She will go from person to person until she has met everyone, then she picks someone to sit near or lay on, lol.

She's also very.... sneaky. Right around the time she hit 11 months she started looking for "contraband". Anything she shouldn't have... she would grab. If she saw something she wanted she would try to sneak past me. She'd come look at me, then do the shifty eyes. I could hear her tip toeing around so it wouldn't be too obvious to me. Then she'd take whatever it was outside.... I quickly clued in on her wicked ways and now if I just say "Abby" sharply she will drop whatever she has and come to me. Rotten monkey!

She loves to tease the other dogs. She'll get one of their favorite toys, walk up to them, and tap it on their heads. Sometimes, instead, she will walk around them in circles until they notice what she has. Then she takes off running with it and of course they chase her.

Recently she was trying to get Charley to play with her. He was fairly fed up with her and walked to their dog crate to get away from her. She didn't like it one bit! As I watched her, she took her nose and closed the door to the crate. As if that wasn't enough, she took her mouth and lifted BOTH latches and closed it on him. She locked him in! I was in awe at that point, and I laughed as well. She's a cheeky one!

I am very glad we saw that ad and made the drive. She has been SO worth it.


Day 21/365: (Bonus) Welcome Home Mr President

One word: Relief

After 8 years... I am just relieved.

(not my photo... from

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20/365: Half Full

Day 20 365 Half Full
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Optimist or Pessimist?

I can't say I am either. Some days I feel quite pessimistic. I have trouble finding anything good in the day. That's not something I strive for however. I'd prefer to always look on the sunny side of things and forget the reality of somethings.

My outlook on things definitely affects the people around me. I also believe being optimistic is a very healthy thing. It's uplifting to everyone around. I also am far more productive when I am looking up, versus down.

I have know several eternal pessimists and I cannot say I ever felt terribly uplifted around them, in fact the opposite. It brings me down.

Every year I strive to do a little better than the last year. Be it crafting, caring, gifting, being more generous, or just more organized. I always look for something I can do a bit better.

This year I am focusing on mood. I am not a born optimist, I have to work at it. I'm not a mopey pessimist but I do tend to linger on the negative things.

I'd like to be more trusting. I once was very trusting but along the years I have lost that. Getting older sucks in that respect. But I'll work on it!

We, as humans, seem to struggle with the "whys". Why are we here? What is our purpose? What am I doing?

I can't answer any of those. But I do know when I hear my kids laugh, it makes me smile. When I am watching the dogs play, I frequently laugh. I find plenty to enjoy on this earth. I am glad for life. I don't particularly enjoy the mundane (IE cleaning, cooking) however I try my best to smile in spite of it.

The things I enjoy are many. I love going out on a sunny day, when the clouds are big and fluffy and the sky is blue. The sights, sounds, smells. I love spring, although my allergies are miserable. I'll smile through that too! Or attempt to anyway.... :-)

I find many reasons to enjoy life, so I will say my cup is half full.

When all else fails, Monty Python to the rescue!

Góðan daginn!

Now you know how to greet people in Icelandic!

(I love flickr's hellos!)


Day 20/365 (Bonus): Construction

When we moved here 10 years ago the town was full of trees and open land.

Today it's slowly becoming "just another" big town. We've seen more fast food places creep in, more apartment complexes than I could shake a stick at, more road construction than I really care fore, and more land being dozed over to put up yet another building.

I've had several spots to take the kids to when bluebonnet season comes around. 3 of those have been built on in the last few years. It makes me sad.

This year was the topping on the cake. We are getting a big "shopping center" complete with a Target.

On one hand I am glad that we don't have to drive very far to do our shopping, on the other I am sad to see even more trees coming down.

My daughter asks me anytime we drive by "Mommy why are they doing that to nature". I think that about sums it up.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19/365: Walking

Day 19/365: Walking
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
As every other American and his brother did this year, I decided to exercise and get my butt into shape.

We have an awesome track just a few blocks away. I always walk past it. Walking in circles makes me a bit batty. It's boring. I tend to focus on the fact that I am there because I *have* to be.

So.. I walk past it to the park a little further away. It's pretty, there's a pond and ducks. There's a few old homes there. I enjoy that far more.

I love the weather right now as well, it's cool but not too cold. It hasn't rained in a few days either! Woo Hoo :-)


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18/365: My little Poofball

This summer we realized that two dogs is far better than one. Dogs love their people but the joy they get from another dog is a different thing all together.

My husband was against getting another big dog, and he also wanted a rescue dog that was over a year old. I wanted another standard poodle puppy from a breeder.

I knew he wasn't budging on it so I started searching for adult miniature poodles that needed homes. I found several poodles at a Poodle Rescue in Houston.

Moira and I drove down there to look at them. At first glance I wasn't very impressed with any of them. She had one cute miniature puppy but it was so hyper! She also wanted $500 for it. Some other people there were talking about the "high price" of the rescues there. I was set on bringing home a dog so we stayed and played with a few.

The first one we saw was a poodle/terrier mix. I wasn't thrilled with her however. She was hyper and a little stand offish.

We saw another poodle that was far too mellow for Abby. It wouldn't have worked at all. But it was a sweet dog.

Charley was the 2nd one we saw. He peed all over my hand when she brought him to me. My first impression was that he wasn't very cute... terrible of me. I was also concerned about him peeing all over me.

My daughter fell in love almost instantly. He laid on his back and we rubbed his tummy. He walked over to a tree and peed on it. He ran around, but was a little nervous.

We saw a few more and she brought him back out to us. I kinda had my hopes on adopting a female dog, but he was starting to grow on me too.

Then my daughter started talking about how he loved us. She said "he needed some one to love him". And the deal was cinched when she rubbed noses with him while he wagged is fluffy little tail. My heart just melted right there and then. She has SUCH a sweet nature and is so good with animals.

The lady came back out WITH the papers in hand and said "Let's get this all written up!" (mind you she never asked if we made up our minds... lol) I guess she just knew he was the right one for us.

On the road home he sat in one of the kids booster seats. I think that's about the time I started falling in love with him. He was so calm!

I called my husband and told him about the poodle we picked out. I described his personality and looks to Michael. Then I told him I thought he was a "Charley". My hubby was thinking the same thing!! He said he wanted to see him first before we decided. Of course, when he saw Charley the name was set. I thought it was neat that we were both thinking the same thing!

Charley started out very fearful of lots of noises. He was also nervous around men and boys. He still occasionally pees if my hubby goes to pet or pick him up. I think someone really hurt him in the past :-(.

The good news is he has come a LONG way since the summer. He will go up to men now, but it has to be on HIS terms. If they try to pick him up or pet him first he still gets nervous. But the fact that he goes to them is a big step.

He jumps into Michael's lap and loves getting affection from him, it is very sweet. That took a while. For a few months I was the only one he really clung to. Michael was the perfect guy for him to be around in order to over come those fears he had.

He's my little shadow and stays by my side everywhere I go. Out of our 3 dogs he is definitely the one that is closest to me (they all are, but he is far and above). He loves his mama! I could cuddle him for hours :-).

I am very thankful we got him that day, he's added his sweet little spirit to our home. We all love him very much.


Day 18/365: (bonus) Moira

Day 18/365: (bonus) Moira
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
My hubby has the best way with words. He wrote about our daughter on his blog today. I thought I'd share that here since it was written today. I <3 him so!


Posted by Gawain at 7:28 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Little Angel

I have two kids... but for now I'll focus on this one.

This is my angel. She's everything a little girl should be, sweet and kind, pretty and cute. She's full of all the seeds of womanhood, smiles and tears, kind words and beguiling lies. I'm afraid she's going to be one hell of a woman someday.

I sure hope so.

She's quite tender with our pets, and often harsh with her brother. She speaks well.. she steals hearts, and she loves anything cute. Every time she makes me mad she breaks my heart with her first tear. She's a lot like her mother that way.

I want her to grow up to be the sort of woman that is beautiful inside and out. The kind that seems fragile but hides a spirit full of strength. I'll love her no matter what she winds up being like though.

Having children taught me the meaning of unconditional love. Through the course of my life I have recieved such love, but never felt it. In almost every case, love comes with strings, with spouses and much more so with friends, there are limits. Things you could do to destroy their love for you, boundaries. Even with my love for my own parents, as a child, there were limits. I loved them because they fed me, sheltered me, cared for me. A child's love is selfish even as it is innocent.

A child learns love from their parents, but ultimately the final test doesn't come until the child becomes a parent.

Once I held my children in my arms... I knew my heart would someday break. I died with the knowledge of that love. All my personal goals and dreams became secondary. I knew in that moment.. what unconditional love is, what my own parents had experienced. I knew then that my own mother loved me more than I loved her. I knew it because at that moment I discovered how deep a parent's love for their children is.

I cried that day.. just like I'm crying now to remember it. In the moment I first felt that love, I also felt the unbearable pain such joy would bring. The pain of separation someday... as they grow and pass beyond their parents lives into their own.

That pain isn't enough to deter me now though... the joy and the love of raising them is worth it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17/365: Michael

Day 17/365: Michael
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This is Michael. I am married to him.

We met 16 years ago, almost to the day. His step sister kept me at her house so I could meet him. I really didn't want to meet anyone at the time though. He was cute.. we talked a ton that day. I liked him, but I still wasn't interested in being with anyone.

He asked me if I would go out to a movie with him the following weekend. When he called back to confirm I made up a story about having to go to a friends house. He took it in stride. I figured he'd give up after that, but I was wrong.

He called again the next weekend and I knew I couldn't keep making up busy stories. The gig was up....

Fast forward 16 years...

What was I thinking?!?! The man is CRAZY!!! :-P

First of all... some things I admire about him.

He's VERY smart. When I say that, it's not really a compliment. It's just the truth. The guy is a genius. It makes me jealous!

He's also multi-gifted. When I speak of gifts I speak of things that you cannot "become" good at, you just ARE good at them. You might be able to master them with practice, but you "have it" without trying very hard. His gifts are many. He is a very lucky person.

He's also naturally thin... *grumble*. Lucky Devil!

One of my favorite things about him however.. has nothing to do with any of those.

He is one of the most caring people I know. He has empathy in spades. He takes care of his family and he shows his love for us all daily. That is the best quality he has in my eyes.

He also has humor... which I admire. I am a silly person at heart.. I like to laugh and be silly. He shares that with me. We are a very silly house! Laughter is very important to me and I love that our children are able to grow up in a happy home.

He's got some things that drive me up the wall at times. Many years ago, when we were just a couple of years into our relationship, we were at a clothing store. I forget what we were doing there now, but that doesn't matter.

He broke out into a FLAMING gay routine with one of the sales ladies. Now, if you know me, I have no problem with a persons sexual preference. To each their own, I don't care- we should all be happy. However, he was FLAMING. "Girlfriend, do you think this will make my butt look big?" "Do you think fuchsia is my color honey?" (holds flashy girly shirt up to his chest and does hand/wrist flip). The customer service lady really didn't know what to think!

I mean, totally mortified me. It was AWFUL. I was SO mad... It was a taste of just how well he was at embarrassing the tar out of me. Oh, and boy did it! I am sure my cheeks were 5 shades of red. I was young, 19 or 20 maybe. Nowadays if he did it I'd probably just look at him and roll my eyes.

He can still embarrass me at times. I am fairly liberal but I tend to be conservative when I am around others I don't know well. Him, not so much. He is just as open as he always is. That's a quality I admire, even though at times I might cringe at something he says.

I figure if they are meant to be they will stick around. We've made many wonderful friends over the years so I guess it's not all that bad. He has sent a few running though. (I'll say they are usually the ultra conservative types!)

He works in a pharmacy full of ladies. He LOVES it there. He is the biggest flirt I personally know. Some have asked me how I "put up with him". Truth is there's no "putting up with him". (usually in jest) He is what he is. He loves everyone. He will flirt with anyone. Old, skinny, fat, beautiful, ugly, hospitalized... you name it he'll flirt with them. "How you doing *wink*) They all really seem to love him. That's awesome in my book!

He's a hugger... he hugs everyone. He could know a person for 2 minutes and still give them a hug, men or women. I think it's a sweet part of who he is.

Oh my god... he is SO clumsy. He could trip on a flat surface. He's walked into doors. He's ran carts into people right in front of him. He's banged our kids heads, and other kids heads, into our door frame playing with them. He trips over the dogs, dust, pebbles... well you get the point. Oddly the guy can climb a tree like a monkey... and he's closing in on 39 shortly.

He's very helpful around the house when I need him to be. He'll do dishes (and does frequently) and he is a VERY good cook. I will cook if I *have* to, but I don't enjoy it. I don't know if I will *ever* enjoy cooking. I wish I was different.. but it's just not a love of mine. He has a talent... he can put ingredients together that I would never imagine putting in a dish and turn out a very good meal. He's just good like that :-P.

So... after 16 years of Michael I'd say I am a pretty lucky lady. I could talk for hours about him but I'll end it here. Sure he's got his flaws, we all do. But he's pretty damn awesome in my book.


Day 16/365: Tangled and Twisted Up Mess

These are my twins.... taking them for a walk with the dogs is a test in patience!

They love to get tangled up in the leashes. I've tried to explain to them that getting too close or leaving excess lead is not so hot... to no avail.

They also like to run, run, and run with the dogs. That's awesome! Until.. they run into each other. Yes... they inherited the clumsy gene.

Fun times, fun times!


Day 16/365 (bonus): Things

Day 16/365 (bonus): Things
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
These are things that are rather special to me for various reasons.

The roses are from my nephews funeral. He died an hour after he was born. I miss him every day and wish that he was here with my sister and our family. He was a beautiful baby boy. I light a candle for him and leave it going there regularly.

The photo is of my hubby when he was a little boy... SO cute!

The doorknobs are from my father in law. He'd heard me talk about how much I love the old glass doorknobs and he gave those to me. I love them :-).


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15/365: The Doggy Bag

Day 15/365: The Doggy Bag
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Sophie freaked when I took her to the vets office. Since then I've been looking for a bag to carry her in so I don't get clawed up the next time we go (she won't walk on the leash there either). I was looking for practical and lightweight. I found this one online and it came today. She likes it! :-)


PS Today was REALLY boring!!

Day 15/365 (bonus): Waiting for me

Day 15/365: Waiting for me
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I have a gate that divides the living room/den/kitchen from the bedrooms and bathrooms. They aren't allowed to go back in the bedroom/bathroom area (occasionally we break the rule). When they see me coming or going they all line up and wait for me until I come back up.

I got this gate after our plastic one repeatedly fell down and got knocked over by "moose" aka Abby the standard poodle. We also had a little friend of Moira's that was petrified of Abby (cause she was a hyper jumping poodle). So we needed something more secure. When Abby was smaller and younger she would JUMP over the gate we had... well it was kind of a climb/jump deal. Very funny, she really wanted to be with me at all times!

This worked out great, I just hope they never fully chew thru the bars! LOL


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14/365: Me and the Poopies

That's what I call them at home... lol

They didn't want to sit still, they were more interested in being where the kids were. That's also who they are all looking at! :-)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13/365: Baby, it's cold outside

But my feet are warm!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12/365: School

Day 12/365: School
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Day 12/365: School

There is a wonderful elementary school 2 blocks from our house. That is where our kids went to it for kindergarten and first grade. It

took us about 1 minute to get there. They should have been going there until 5th grade, it was awesome!


Over the summer the school district decided to change everything around and we wound up in a school about 2 miles away. NO one was happy about this change but they pushed it through and we were all forced to deal with it. I hate it because of the drive. Two miles doesn't seem too bad when you hear it like that. However there's several stop signs and multiple stop lights along that way, and it's on the main road in town. So, it's a pain.

Just today I had someone do a rolling stop at a sign and I almost hit them. Another person pulled out too soon and almost clipped the front of my car. I have dozens of stories like that.

Today, after I got the kids I was stuck behind a lady in a truck doing 15 mph... when I was able to pass her it turns out she was working on lighting up her cigarette!!!!!!! Grrrrrr This frizzy haired older lady fumbling with her cigarette oblivious to the fact that she could so easily cause a wreck, or worse hit someone (lots of walkers down that road). She was weaving around as she was trying to keep her lighter lit and steer at the same time.... Some people just baffle me, was it really that important? If so, couldn't she have just pulled into a parking lot somewhere?

This is a daily thing! We live in a college town so young hotheaded kids are abundant. It never fails that one will cut me off or try to plow over the car at a stop sign. I really do dread that drive!

The kids asked to ride the bus. I remember the bus, and as long as I am able to pick them up I will. No way do I want them riding on the bus, lol. Kids get into way too much on them! It's tempting after that drive there and back though, I must admit >.<. I rode it for a couple of years and turned out fine but the memories are firmly stuck in my head forever. Ahhhhhh


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11/365: Graves

Day 11/365: Graves
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
For the past week my son has been asking to go visit the Sam Houston Grave. It's in a cemetery called Oakwood.

So today we went and visited it. It is FULL of very, very old grave sites. It's beautiful there! In one section it's nothing but unmarked graves like the one I have posted here. I am not sure who they are for.

I was snapping photos of various things and listening to Shelby and Moira talking. Moira said "I wonder what it's like to die". I have to admit that made me wince a little... I've never heard her say anything like that before. But I don't remember ever taking them to a grave before so she's never really been faced with it like that. I didn't say anything, just listened to them chatter. A bit later Shelby added that she would be ok with it since she would be in heaven. Then they started talking about spirits and where they go. It was sweet listening to them both.

We were going to head over to a movie so we spent about an hour there then loaded up in the car to go to the theater. Michael said we should start considering where we want to be buried. I told him I didn't know... bury me back in England near my grandparents. He said, only if I cremate you- that's way too expensive otherwise! (so true) I wasn't really interested in talking about it, so I started joking around.

He told me he always thought it would be sweet to have me cremated and sprinkle a bit on his dinner every night so he'd have a little bit of me with him. I replied with the typical "ewww" response.

Then I thought about it a second. I told him "You know... ash doesn't really have any nutritional value. So basically you want to just poop me out??" (acting completely offended) At this point the kids all started going ewww and laughing. "Nooooo" he said. He then realized that was a bad idea and started talking about how he could plant veggies on top of me and then there would be some nutrition there. Ahhhh make the madness end!!!! lol

Anyway... we finally parked at the Theater and ended that disturbing, but funny, conversation. At least the kids got a kick out of us. We saw Bedtime Stories, just in case anyone was curious (It was funny!).

Later on Shelby called us all the nerd family. I was "funny nerd". Michael was "wierdo nerd" Moira was "cute nerd" Matthew was "annoying nerd". (Matt and Shelby have a love-ewww-hate relationship, which is pretty darn cute)

Just another day around here!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Biggest Full Moon of 2009

I took these Saturday night in our town. It was beautiful! I drove to 4 different spots trying to get one that turned out, (not too blurry= good in my book! lol)

Here's a little story about it.

Saturday Night Special: Biggest Full Moon of 2009
Robert Roy Britt
Editorial Director robert Roy Britt
editorial Director Fri Jan 9, 12:56 pm ET

If skies are clear Saturday, go out at sunset and look for the giant moon rising in the east. It will be the biggest and brightest one of 2009, sure to wow even seasoned observers.

Earth, the moon and the sun are all bound together by gravity, which keeps us going around the sun and keeps the moon going around us as it goes through phases. The moon makes a trip around Earth every 29.5 days.

But the orbit is not a perfect circle. One portion is about 31,000 miles (50,000 km) closer to our planet than the farthest part, so the moon's apparent size in the sky changes. Saturday night (Jan. 10) the moon will be at perigee, the closest point to us on this orbit.

It will appear about 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during 2009, according to NASA. (A similar setup occurred in December, making that month's full moon the largest of 2008.)

High tides

Tides will be higher, too. Earth's oceans are pulled by the gravity of the moon and the sun. So when the moon is closer, tides are pulled higher. Scientists call these perigean tides, because they occur when the moon is at or near perigee. (The farthest point on the lunar orbit is called apogee.)

This month's full moon is known as the Wolf Moon from Native American folklore. The full moon's of each month are named. January's is also known as the Old Moon and the Snow Moon.

A full moon rises right around sunset, no matter where you are. That's because of the celestial mechanics that produce a full moon: The moon and the sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, so that sunlight hits the full face of the moon and bounces back to our eyes.

At moonrise, the moon will appear even larger than it will later in the night when it's higher in the sky. This is an illusion that scientists can't fully explain. Some think it has to do with our perception of things on the horizon vs. stuff overhead.

Try this trick, though: Using a pencil eraser or similar object held at arm's length, gauge the size of the moon when it's near the horizon and again later when it's higher up and seems smaller. You'll see that when compared to a fixed object, the moon will be the same size in both cases.

More lunacy

If you have other plans for Saturday night, take heart: You can see all this on each night surrounding the full moon, too, because the moon will be nearly full, rising earlier Friday night and later Sunday night.

Interestingly, because of the mechanics of all this, the moon is never truly 100 percent full. For that to happen, all three objects have to be in a perfect line, and when that rare circumstance occurs, there is a total eclipse of the moon.

A departing fact: The moon is moving away as you read this, by about 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) a year. Eventually this drift will force the moon to take 47 days to circle our world.

Day 10/365: Dungeons and Dragons

When I met my hubby I knew he was a bit of a nerd. That worked to his advantage with me since I love nerds! :-P

He happens to be a cute, charming nerd. He's got lots of good qualities that I completely adore. Not to say he can't drive me up the flipping wall sometimes- because he can!

However I am not peach myself! If you could live in perfect harmony forever I think it might get a bit dull. But I'm no Rosie the Robot so I wouldn't know about that.

Anyway on to my story!

I knew he loved D&D.. All I really knew about it was that some of my more religious relatives thought it was all part of the Devil's plan to send us all to doom. It never seemed all that bad to me!

Turns out it's just a silly role playing game where a bunch of guys sit around rolling dice around and pretending to be their "character". For the last 16 years I've been watching the hubby play with various friends off and on.

I even tried it a couple of times. However... I can't sit still that long and my mind starts wandering off to other places. Things like "hmm, that window would look really good with red curtains" or.. "I really should be folding the laundry"... or... well you get the point. It bored me!

But for him and his friends it was a fun trip to some far off land where they could be goblins and ogres and mages and rogues. They can come up with all kinds of fun stories. The hubby gets so excited after a game and he always gives me the run down of the highlights.

I tease him about it, naturally. But it is fun listening to him and their adventures for the night :-). I find it cute that all his (almost) 40 something friends are all hanging out rolling dice and playing far away characters from long ago. They even have little miniatures for their characters!

Their game was today and every so often I hear one of them really getting into what they are playing out at that moment. It makes me smile.

They are happy! :-)


Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9/365: Birdhouse

Day 9/365: Birdhouse
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Before I had the twins I worked at a local Real Estate company here in town.

The lady I worked for enjoyed shopping and finding unique/cute gifts for her family and friends. One of the things she gave me was this little birdhouse. It's been in my kitchen since that day (close to 10 years now... wow time flies).

It's one of my favorite little things. It's cheerful and whenever I look at it it makes me smile. It reminds me of my grandparents for some reason, which is another reason for the smile.

I keep thinking of ways to decorate the kitchen around it, but so far haven't come up with anything that would not be too "cutesy". I've had some ideas but maybe I've been too lazy or poor to incorporate them so far. :-P

I'm glad she found it and thought of me, it was perfect.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8/365: Homework

Day 8/365: Homework
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Day 8/365: Homework

I think I dread homework more than the kids do.

Some days they come right in and I say "Ok you know what to do right?'

They go (deadpan) "Homework."

Yep, get to it!

And that's it, they do it and all is well.

However, there are days.....


"Go do your homework"

"But mom, Sophie needs me to play with her" (that's Moira)

"But mom, I need to pick up the dog poo in the yard" (that's Matt, his paid chore)

It's always something. That was TODAY. Today was not fun with the homework.

Today they had to write a story using all 12 of their spelling words. Not the easiest feat for two 8 year olds.

Particularly two 8 year olds that don't want to be doing it to begin with! If I put them too close to each other they goof off and bicker with each other. They also like to tattle on each other. "Moooom Moira isn't doing her work" Moommm Matthew was looking at me funny".

@##%#@Q%@#%##$% Ahhhhhhhhhh

Today's homework took an hour.... Moira being the last to be finished after a bout of tears and me giving her "the lecture". I started to give her a second round but she decided she'd rather do her homework than listen to it again. I told her to stop her self pity and get on with it. She asked me what pity was. I guess that's part of the learning process involved with homework? lol

I am SO grateful for the school system! The kids seem to respond better to the teacher than to the parents. They know what to expect from me, but the teacher is "the great unknown". Most kids I know respond much better to "the unknown" than to "the known". Mommy is "safe". Go Schools! :-P

Homework sucks but it's a short part of the day thankfully. At least for now...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7/356: Me

Day 7/356: Me
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I wasn't thrilled with any of my self portraits yesterday, took a few right after I got home. Allergies! I was also far too close to the camera lens and it distorted how I really look IMO. There's other things I don't like about it, but maybe you won't notice so I won't point them out :-P.

Anyway.... Here goes :-) Day 7/365...

Today is....

A Bunch of Superficial Randomness About Me, Whoopee!

I hate to shop for clothes! I always have this idea in my head of what I want... but I never find it. So I just wind up frustrated with the entire shopping thing. I'd rather shop for electronics or jewelry, MUCH more fun! Unfortunately those things cost much more than clothes so I don't do much of that either :-P. My closet is a pretty sad place!

I used to be a "cat lady". I would pick up strays and rehome them, I had a bunch of them once in an apartment. We found them behind the dryer in our laundry room. Drove Michael nuts! Now I have 0 cats and prefer dogs.... times change!

Since I was little I always had a feeling I'd have twins. When the Dr. was doing my ultrasound I asked him "Is it twins?" He looked and sure enough, two babies! Michael backed up against the wall in fear, LOL.

I have never been a morning person. I just drag around in the mornings! I am a night owl at heart.

I love the color red. It's vibrant and makes me smile :-).

I keep all the letters people have written to me over the years. I've got letters from some of the 7th grade classes I was in, passing notes under the tables!

I am terrible about remembering birthdays and such. I've even forgotten my own a few times.

I get distracted very easily! If I need to focus on something it needs to be in a really quiet enviroment or I get agitated.

I love having and going to big parties :-).

I hate clutter, it drives me nutty!

I love the cold weather. Texas is awesome but the weather stinks! If Michael was up for it I'd move somewhere very cold and be happy!

I really detest talking on the phone, but most of the time if I get on it I chat away forever. Go figure! I'm more into seeing a person "in person" and talking that way, or just email or IM. Not sure what my deal is with the phone.

I love to listen to other people's stories. Any story, it's interesting to me!

That's it for me right now... maybe I'll do a less superficial "about me" later on this year. :-) ~Donna

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6/365: Moira's Robot

Day 6/365: Moira's Robot
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Last year I put my daughter into dance, at her insistence.

I've always thought that to succeed at something you truly needed a LOVE for what you are doing. Well... she proved me wrong.

The girl HATED dance. But that girl had/has talent. She was, quite literally, the best dancer in the class. She had grace and poise and had/has no clue how lucky she is to have that (both of us, her parents, are not what I'd call graceful).

Her teacher came to me one day and told me she was very lucky and extremely gifted. Moira was excited to hear it, so I had hope she'd get a 2nd wind and really enjoy it. She loved the kids in the class as well as her teacher.

Her biggest flaw is not wanting to be "told" how to dance. She wants to do what she wants to do.

I consider that a flaw because I am the same way. It's one of those elements of myself I wish were different but darn it, that's really just part of me. Try as I might, that's me. Of course, as an adult I know when to behave and suck it up. But this is dance- if she doesn't enjoy it what's the point?

I'd like to force it, but I know she will just hate it in spite of my efforts.

After a full year of dance she cried and whined and begged me not to put her back in dance. So I had this internal dialog... should I force it on her? Should I let her follow her own path?

Mind you, she was 7 (just turned 8). I never knew a 7 year old that really knew what they wanted. So I considered forcing it. It KILLS me knowing how good she is at it, naturally. How many people are given a true "gift" and just blow it out the window like that? Ugh!

But, in the end I told her she could skip this year but she needed some extracurricular activity this year.

I'm a fan of play time for kids, so both of the kids choose one class each for the school year.

I might go up to two later, but for now 1 is good. They'd both like to play guitar, so maybe next school year for that one.


She chose art. Great! She loves art, really gets into it. Oddly there is a "form" she has to follow every week. This semester was all about space. She's brought home some doozies.

One week she came home covered in charcoal, they drew the milky way and colored it in with charcoal.

Another week she was covered in corn syrup.... The "thing" she made was covered in saran wrap to keep the syrup from sticking to everything. Never mind that it was dripping off the paper! I still don't know what that was supposed to be.

One week she brought home a Moonbuggy they made. Sadly the dog ate that before I could see it/take a picture of it. I did see a wheel that Abby so kindly left for me!

Recently she brought home this little Robot. So far that's been my favorite. It's cute and she only had a little bit of silver paint on her fingers when she got home! :-P

I am sure she'll continue with the art class. It's not exactly what I expected but she enjoys it, which was my goal all along.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5/365: Chuzzle!

Day 5/365: Chuzzle!
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Absolutely addicting! It's my favorite game to just relax with. The fuzzy colorful balls are fun! :-)

I usually play it on my phone but sometimes I use the computer. It's way cooler on the computer though! :-P.

You can play it free here (choose "play web game")

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4/365: Shelby and Moira

Day 3/265

This is my daughter (Moira) and her friend (Shelby). Shelby and Moira have known each other since they were 1. They are just super cute together and it makes me happy to see them playing together. Watching them grow older is bittersweet! Sometimes they act their age, other days they act 16. Scary!

Either way, today, they are absolutely adorable! :-)


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3/265: Pikachu

Day 3/265: Pikachu
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Day 3: Just another day at my house....

Imagine my surprise (and horror) seeing this HIGHLY flammable Pikachu hanging out on my STOVE TOP.


Thanks to my lovely kids >.< Oh how I love the little monkies!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2/365: Tug of war and Jealous Charley clown

My 2nd day of 365... my dogs. They crack me up daily! Sophie yaps/squeaks, Charley moans and grunts, and Abby "umphs" in annoyance.

Charley was making all kinds of noises and rolling around trying to get Sophie and Abby's attention! LOL Just like a silly boy! They just ignored him as Abby continued to drag a persistent Sophie around the room.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1/365 January 1, 2009: Me

Hi all! This is my first day of the new year. I figured I'd start off with the girl taking the photos! :-) I will (attempt) to post a photo and a little story each day, from that day.

