Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 59/365: Road Trip

Road Trip
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
We went to Brenham over the weekend.

There's a 50's style restaurant there on the grounds of the Airport. It was pretty nifty!

We also visited the Antique Rose Emporium. As the name says, there's lots of roses. There's also all sorts of other plants. It's gorgeous!

I took a HEAP load of photos, but I'll have to upload those tomorrow.

These are the pics I took coming back. I wanted to stop and take photos of the cactus growing on the road near Navasota.

It was COLD and VERY VERY windy Saturday. I am talking WINDY. I could barely open my car door.

We had fun though! The wildflowers are starting to bloom and it was a gorgeous day, despite the cold and wind.

Blythe, Queen of the Damned....

According to Michael anyway.

I'd thrown Blythe in the car before we left, thinking I'd snap a shot of her with the flowers or something. I forgot about her. Oops.

Then I forgot about her during our cactus trip. I saw the bag when I was climbing back in the car and asked Michael if he'd hold her up so I could snag a pic of her with the cactus, lol

He laughed at me! Sigh... Anyway he did it, because he's a good man. But he wiggled her around and loudly proclaimed "It's Blythe, queen of the damned" and other random goofiness. The kids were laughing at him, I was laughing, HE was laughing.

I really didn't get any good pictures of her with the cactus.


Bye Bye G10

Bye Bye G10
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I'd been drooling over this camera for some time. Despite the reviews stating terrible noise I decided to give it a try.

Unfortunately the noise was FAR worse than I expected. In any light other than very bright it showed noticeable grain.

It reminded me of the 35mm film before I started taking digital. When I scan my matt photos that's pretty close to the result I got with this camera.

I really did have LOTS of fun with it. It put out some beautiful outside shots.

But that noise.... ugh.

I handed it over to the UPS guy. I'll miss the size, the pretty color on the outside shots, and it's great "feel".

But that's about it.

I already found a replacement but it won't be out till April. So I put it on preorder.

March is gonna be a long month!! :-P

Charley Poo

Charley Poo
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
He's yapping at me because he wants what Abby and Sophie have.

I think he wants me to get rid of the girls so he can hog all the toys.

He's so stinking cute!!

(click pic to play the video or to go to Flickr)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 58/365: Paper Trails

Day 57/365: Paper Trails
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
For the past 2-3 weeks I've noticed my purse is a royal PITA to get into.

I've been just kinda rifling over the stuff in it to get anything I need. Then I get home, hang it up and forget about it.

Today it was just TOO much. I couldn't stand it anymore. So I started pulling all the papers out of it.

Turns out it was about 70 percent paper, 30 percent "purse stuff".

I am pretty sure this is the worst it's ever gotten. For as long as I can remember I'd just toss the receipts or keep the important ones in the file.

I don't know why I let it pile up so much but I am sure I won't do it again.

I counted JUST the receipts and came up with 47... lol. That doesn't include the business cards, random post its, and old grocery lists I had stuffed in there.

I really am organized, I swear!!!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Hugs don't include lips"

"Hugs don't include lips"
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
The kids were all ready for school this morning when Matthew brought Moira 2 of her necklaces.

He said "Moira which one do you want to wear?" (SO cute and sweet btw). I just thought I was going to die from cute overload at about that moment.

But then Moira ruined it by breaking in to brat mode. She took one and threw the other at her brother, hitting him in the head.

So much for mushy and cute moment.

I told her to give her brother a kiss, with full knowledge that they would go 'Ewwww no, gross'. Neither failed me on that count!

She apologized. Then she said "I'd rather give him a hug if I have to. Hugs don't include lips".


Line of the day!


PS Matt did not want me taking his photo AT all, so here's Moira. Taken with my cell phone so it's extra fuzzy. :P

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blythes Out for a swing. Just another day in the life of a doll.

Her perfect forehead was forever dinged today. I had her on the swing and she fell forward onto the ground below. She never made a sound!

She smashed her head violently into some of the stones below. Poor girl. I'm still finding specs of dirt in her hair. She did it again just a few minutes later. I suppose I adopted a clumsy model.

Oh well, she fits in around here! She's not in a psychotic state today, hopefully she doesn't scare anyone. Yesterday was quite traumatic for her feelings.

PS Blythe's hair is a really strange texture (very coarse) and likes to get tangled up!

Day 57/365: You've got a plastic kind of love

I was going through my photos from today, editing and deleting.

Michael has not hidden his disdain for Blythe or Bratz dolls. He is fine with Barbie.

Anytime he seesm them in a picture he curls his lip and little and does the shudder thing, lol.

I asked him if he liked this picture, thinking he might get over his issues with Bratz and give me some feedback.

His reply: "No!!"

I raised my eyebrow at him.

He went on "You have a heart that says love next to a heartless plastic construction."

And with that I gave up any hope of getting the kind of reply I was hoping for.

Gotta love him, he's true to his heart! The man just doesn't like Bratz!


Day 56/365 (Bonus): Swordswoman in training

Michael just finished painting her shield. I think it needs a ring of deep pink flowers around it but he told me I need to stop making more work for him.


It is really pretty as is though, he did an incredible job!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 55/365 (Bonus): Orange Blythe

She may be a little creepy. But creepy can be good too! I still <3 her!

She just want's to shake your hand. Won't you shake her hand?

I'm on a Blythe Kick. After poking around Flickr I've discovered this is a popular doll to photograph!

It's also gotten me interested in pulling my sewing machine back out. It might be fun to make a few clothes! My daughter loves the doll as well, so she will surely enjoy that too :-).

So, beyond just do the doll itself... she's kind of inspired my creative side again. Which is always a good thing in my mind!

Here's some history on Blythe, along with an explanation of her "rebirth" of sorts.

Here's the book that started the Blythe comeback:

Day 55/365: Here Mommy, I picked some flowers for you!

My daughter.... she makes my heart melt. I've gone on about her before, but she really does!

We went for a walk today. We've got several little parks around town that are mostly wooded areas to walk around. This one had lots of things to photograph so we went to it. The kids had fun running back and forth over the bridge.

Moira walked around picking flowers. Some people call them weeds. I just call them pretty. She gave them to me. She's so cute!

Matthew was very interested in pulling on the vines. There's tons of old vines on some of the trees around there. He ran from the bees, screaming. LOL There were a lot of bees out today.

Before we left Matthew found a 7 ish foot vine and pulled it out of the brush for Moira. We layed it outside the house while we went to grocery shop. By the time we got home Michael was here. I'd called him to ask him to put up the dogs and open the garage door (the dogs can run out the doggie door and get out of our yard if the garage door is open).

We pulled up JUST in time to see Michael snapping the vine in half over his knee. LOL Moira was like "UHHHHH Daddddy just broke my vine". I just had to laugh. He told her he'd get her a better one. He just saw a big clunky thing in the way and moved it. No idea what they did to retrieve that lovely piece of junk. :P

Everything is blooming here. I love this time of year. It's fun for photo bugs like myself, and it's just gorgeous all around. I am excited for bluebonnet season too! My allergies are at their absolute WORST this season... but it's a worthy trade off.

Spring is such fun!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Someone let a family of ducks loose in my house

So.... I went back to Target to get my lonely ducks brother and mother. I think they are happy now, 3's a good number don't ya think?


Day 54/365: Thoughtful Things

I love Willow Tree Angels. These are 2 that the twins aunt Cindy gave to them for Christmas one year. The German books were from Mitch, a friend of ours. He knew I studied German and thought I would like them. I did :-). I love our built in shelves. I can put all sorts of things on them!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 53/366 (bonus): Matthew and his Longhorn Bone

He went to play with the boys that live a block over from us today. Their dad took them out to some land. According to Matthew coyotes kill the longhorns out there and the bones are all over the place.

Not sure how valid that all is, but that's what he told me :-P.

He fell asleep with that nasty bone tonight too!! Ewwwww!

Day 53/365: Hen Eggs

Hen Eggs
Originally uploaded by donnyatx

My In Laws have several chickens. I posted a picture of one of the Hens a few days ago.

She had the kids collect a few eggs for us to bring home. I don't think I have ever seen GREEN eggs before. How neat!!!

I figured I better take a photo of them before we eat them ;-). Happy hens make for colorful eggs I guess... hee hee

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 52/365: Dungeons and Dragons Night

I was having "technical difficulties" getting everyone in the photo. (in reality I was lazy and tired didn't feel like getting the stool).

This is part of the D&D group (well just Chad is missing- he's sitting next to Matthew). I call them the geek squad but they don't all appreciate that. :-P Personally I think it's cute!

I have NO interest in playing D&D. I'll try almost anything once and I did give it a couple of tries. It's just not for me.

My mind wanders far too much and I get bored with it. I like watching and listening to them though!

Instead I went shopping and had fun for a few hours with Moira. When I got home I realized I hadn't taken any photos today for my daily blog. Bingo! :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 51/365: Lightsabers!

Originally uploaded by donnyatx
The kids LOVE their lightsabers. We've had several over the past few years.

The kids always pull them out on guests and force them to duels.

It's rather amusing!

Matthew really wanted me to take some photos of them playing in the yard with them, so of course I obliged.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50/365: My Crazy Husband

My Crazy Husband
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
My husband is Crazy.

Yep, I said it.

He came home deflated... because he couldn't find the next book in his series at our local Hastings.

He called his other bookworm friend to see if he had them, nope- he'd lent them to his mother.

He called the library here. Nope, no luck.

He came outside to me.

"Honey... can you drive me to Conroe?" I told him to wait till Saturday or drive himself if he wanted it so bad. Saturday was only one day away!

He couldn't wait. He begged. The kids didn't want to go either, we were having fun!!!

He gave me the puppy dog eyes. He REALLY didn't want to drive himself. He was tired. Sigh.

So, at 5pm on a weeknight, we drove 30 minutes to the next closest bookstore.


I took the opportunity to go over to the Target there, since we don't have one (yet!!).

He's crazy but I sure do love him. He also spoils me and lets me get away with all sorts of rotten things.



(PS this picture is terrible... no flash, he was moving and making silly faces at me, and it was dark outside) :-))

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49/365: Rose

Day 49/365: Rose
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

~Henry Van Dyke


Yesterday Michael asked me to lay in bed with him all evening while he read. He figured I could just read or watch TV. I asked him why he wanted to lay in there all evening. His reply was that it was more comfortable. Simple enough!

I asked him why he couldn't just lay in there by himself. He told me it was lonely without me nearby. That he could go back there but he would prefer to be near me.

Me= Mush!

I still didn't want to lay in the bed all evening though, so we stayed where we were since he wouldn't leave me.



A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. ~Latin Proverb

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48/365: Beware of Attack Moose

Ok... so if someone broke into our house, chances are good that Abby would let them pet her.

She's got a good bark though, so let's hope they turn away before coming in!

I was looking through photos of the 2009 Westminster Dog Show and saw this sign on one of the dogs crates.

Michael calls Abby "moose" constantly. I'll say right now she is his favorite. There's no denying it. He loves all 3 but she's got a special place in his heart.

He wanted a small poodle but I begged my way into a big poodle. I've loved them for a long time. There's an air about them that is different from the small ones. It's just the way it is! He fell in love with her the minute he saw her, so it wasn't hard to convince him anyway.

Long story short: When I saw that sign I knew Michael would get a kick out of it. So I found it online and ordered it for him (her too!). He's now deciding where he wants to put it- front door or back gate. hee hee

She wasn't really pleased about me putting it on her for a photo though. She gave me a heck of a time. That's why I call her Twirp :-).


Moira Rose

Moira Rose
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I never get tired of looking at her. She is so precious to me.

She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I don't think I could have dreamed a little girl up as wonderful as she is.

I consider myself truly blessed to have her in my life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 47/365: Matthew.... Basketball... Shooting Hoops

We went to visit Michael's dad and StepMom today.

Matthew started playing basketball at one point. Then he threw the ball in an ant bed and decided he didn't want to mess with the ball anymore.

I said "Hey come on shoot some hoops!" (I wanted to take some pics.. lol).

He goes "What?" I said,"you know, shoot some hoops... throw the ball in the basket." *points to the basket*

"Ohhhh" he said. He picked up the ball and started playing. After a couple minutes he goes:

"You know mommy it's called 'BASKETBALL" (said very slowly, because obviously he was talking to a daft woman).


I didn't bother telling him I knew what it was called. I just laughed to myself and shook my head.

It starts early doesn't it?


You might be a redneck if.....

You are in this truck....

Michael and I were amazed at the amount of STUFF in this truck. They had stuff all over their dash board, all over the back of the seats, inside the bed of the truck.

It was COVERED. I wish I could have seen the floorboards and seats. Or maybe not...



Originally uploaded by donnyatx
While we were at my in-laws they had the TV going.

This commercial came on.... oh man.

So it is a guy selling walk in bathtubs. This supposedly sweet old lady is talking to him.

They are talking about how great the tub is.

She says something about how she loves it, especially when she gets wet. O.o

Then he basically told her that was a bit too much information and goes on into his chit chat mode again with her.

I've never seen the commercial before but I had to take a picture of the lady before it went off. LOL

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 46/365: (Bonus) Kitty play

I'm playing around with Moira's toys ;-).

I think I am going to start going into her closet for more things to take pictures of. There's lots of cute and colorful things in there.

Bratz doll photos INC! I think I'll take a couple for a walk tomorrow.... This could be fun! :-)

hee hee

Day 46/365: The swords are complete!

The artist with his art ;-)

Michael finished the swords he's been working on. The kids are going to have a lot of fun with these! (Let's hope there's little or no injuries... I know it won't happen but I can hope!)

He put leather on the handles and stained/varnished them both.

They look very nice!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 45/365: Valentine's Gifts

Presents from my sweetie :-) The chain is neat, it's swirly when you put it on (not flat like it looks here). Love them!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 44/365 (Bonus): Steven

Day 44/365 (Bonus): Steven
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This is my friend Steven.

In December 2004 I bought a game for my hubby that he wanted called "World of Warcraft" (WOW). I REALLY really hated those type of games because it meant he'd get sucked into them and ignore the world around him. Sigh!

Well... this time I actually got interested in the game too. So a few weeks later I started playing as well. Never ever did I expect to get sucked into a video game. EVER. I really hated them! He played a game before WOW that was a constant source of irritation between us because I could never get him away from it.

Since I took an interest in this one he was happy because I wasn't bugging him to get off the game all the time. I was playing with him, so he could play stress free. Perfect Michael world. LOL

Well a few months after we started playing together we met "Proxxis" aka Steven. I think he was 15? He annoyed SO many people. But for every 1 person he annoyed he had 3 others laughing at him. He was always cracking wild and crazy jokes. He used to get on ventrillo and sing Harvey the Hamster (ventrillo is like a speaker phone basically, everyone can log on and talk to anyone). We were all in a "guild" together. Basically it would be like hanging out with a bunch of friends at bingo or something social like that (just for reference).

He drove me insane for quite and I was a bit irritated by him. I knew he was young, there were several young people in the guild at the time. I learned to be VERY patient from that game and the kids that played it. We had lots of 20-30-40 somethings too. It was an interesting balance of personalities and attitudes.

Over the years I've gotten to know Steven and he's a pretty cool guy. I've watched him grow up a lot. Nowadays I feel like he's the brother I never had. We talk every day and joke around. I've given him a lot of advice, and luckily he listens!

I guess that it would be somewhat like a brother, without the sibling rivalry. Even better! :-P We both have a similar sense of humor, which I suppose is the common denominator for us.

I don't really play the game much anymore.... after several years the excitement has waned. I still like to say hi to the friends I made there and do a few things once or twice a week though. I have met some very nice people through the game. It is interesting the spectrum that is drawn to a game like that. I was surprised.

The thing I have come away with though is Steven. Michael loves him too. In a million years I'd never guess we'd make friends with a 15 year old (he's 20 now) that would turn in to a life long friend.


Day 44/365: Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't remember these being so sloppily printed when I was in elementary school (early 80's). Hmm!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 43/365: He is THAT guy

Day 43/365: He is THAT guy
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
You know the guy everyone loves? The guy all the women can tease and be silly with?

Well, that's Michael. He is Mr. Lovable.

He works with a bunch of women. Almost all women actually. It's probably the best thing for him- because he loves attention. He gets plenty there!

Sometimes they bring him food or give him their leftovers. He loves that!

Occasionally he comes home smelling very strongly of perfume- because he is constantly hugging everyone.

One day he came home with a bow stuck to his head. He's come home with notes stuck to him.

Today he came home with a heart sticker on his belly. Pretty fitting since he loves food, particularly if I make it for him. Which, poor dear, he is woefully lacking on.

Anyway..... that little red sticker made me laugh. It also reminds me of why I love him.

'Cause he's so silly!!! :-)


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 42/365: Tiny Bubbles

Day 42/365: Tiny Bubbles
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Moira noticed a few bottles of leftover valentines bubbles on my desk today. I told her she could have them to play with, but outside only.

She asked her brother if he'd come outside with her and play. He refused.

She said "No one ever wants to play with me!!!". I was making dinner at the time, so I heard them but couldn't really do much at the time.

I put the food in the oven and went outside to check on her. She was outside blowing bubbles and letting the dogs jump up and pop them. Very cute scene!

She wanted me to blow them so she could chase them. After a few minutes Matthew couldn't resist (and it never fails if I go out there the "resister" will show up lol).

So he took over bubble blowing while Moira ran around after them.

I don't think I will ever tire of bubbles. Their perfect shape, the sheen, and how they float so gracefully in the air.

It's a magical thing, bubbles.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 41/365: I <3 My Rice Cooker

I love brown rice! The one drawback, to me, is the cooking time.

Doing it in a regular cooking pot is fine, but you really have to baby sit it. 45 minutes of baby sitting a pot is not my idea of fun.

So I went on the hunt for an affordable rice cooker and found this on Amazon.

I am rather fond of it, and we have brown rice more now. I put in the water and the rice and 40+ minutes later Voila!

Perfect rice, And it's my favorite color too!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 40/365: Signs of Valentine's

Day 40/365:  Signs of Valentine's by you.
I love Valentines day! I love LOVE!

My daughter caught my love bug early on. Her first written word? Love. Yes, it was the first word she ever wrote. Totally on her own, and unprompted. She's a sweetheart.

I'm lucky to be with one of the most mushy, sweet, sentimental guys I know. Love, Love, Love him!

I also love the colors of this holiday. They are so lively and fun. Hearts and Roses everywhere. Beautiful!

We were engaged on Valentine's 1995. I'll never forget it. I won't tell the story here.... but let's just say the hubby was so excited about proposing to me he didn't care where I was in the house, or what I was/wasn't wearing. Sigh! Not the greatest engagement story but I did appreciate his enthusiasm. He just couldn't wait five minutes. Which, by the way, is very unlike him- he's usually HUGE on surprises. LOL

Now the kids are in school and they have their yearly Valentine's parties. I really enjoy going to them.

I take goodie bags for the kids, which of course they all enjoy. Moira and Matthew are at the age where it's super cool for mom to show up at school and hang out. I will enjoy that as long as I can!

I'm looking forward to Valentine's this year.


Day 40/365: Fortune Cookie

Day 40/365:  Fortune Cookie by you.

I love this quote. It's practical as well as thoughtful.

*couldn't decide if I like this photo in black and white or color. So I posted both! :-P

Day 40/365 (Bonus): Fine *Buffet* Dining

Various California rolls from a buffet place here in town.

Michael and the kids LOVE it there. I can take it or leave it, but they love it so much I get wrangled into it. :-P

I prefer "real" sushi to the California rolls, but these are pretty good (except that big thing in the middle...its just rice and fish eggs in an open roll.

Those cream cheese puffs the kids are holding up in the other pics are good though!

Michael always pulls out the chopsticks and hot tea for his Chinese Dining Experience. I secretly think that's really why he likes going :-D.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Matthew's creative photography

Matthew's creative photography by you.
Matthew took this photo. He wanted to "capture" the toy flying in the air. He did it!

He gets all sorts of creative ideas about how to take photos. That could turn out to be something for him too!

He spent about an hour taking photos and videoing today. It was cute :-).

Day 39/365: Swordmaker

Day 39/365:  Swordmaker by you.

A few days ago Michael told me he was planning on making swords for the kiddos.

His dad made him one as a child and he loved it! He talked about all the fun he had with it.

He wants the kids to have the same experience. So he went out and got the oak this weekend and went to work on them.

So far this is what he has done. He's planning on sanding them more and adding paint and some leather around the handles.

They should be stylish AND fun! The kids will love them!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 38/365: The things you see

Day 38/365:  The things you see here by you.

Friday, February 6, 2009

37/365: Daffodils

37/365:  Daffodils by you.

Today was good!

It started off kinda blah because I got very little sleep and was blowing my nose all morning.

But when I came up to the front of the house I found these pretty flowers sitting on the table waiting for me. My hubby knows me well :-).

Who couldn't help but smile looking at them? So cheerful!

I felt well enough to clean too! I was VERY sick of looking at the dust accumulate this week.

Not a very interesting blog post, but it is what it is!

I am ready for the weekend. Bring it on!

CiĆ o!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 36/365: The evil phone

So... still sick here. Massive headache. Good news though, I think I am on the mend.

This phone...... is... positively... evil! It rang off and on ALL day. I thought about burying it in the yard, but there's 2 more where that one came from. There's no end to it!

I just pulled the covers over my head a bit more and put a pillow over my head. It didn't work completely but it helped. My head still hurts, but surely tomorrow will be better.


Day 36/365: (Bonus) Animal Crossing

My friend Steven convinced me I should try Animal Crossing on the Wii.

The Wii is "Ok" in my book, nothing amazing. My son enjoys Lego Indiana Jones.

I figured I'd give AC a chance. Last night I couldn't sleep for anything so I finally pulled it out to give it a go.

It was fairly dull I have to say. And the guy I was talking to called me selfish! The nerve! :-P

Steven swears I'll enjoy it more as I progress... we'll see. I can't understand any of them, other than the text. They speak gibberish. It's also a pain getting around since the view is limited.

I guess time will tell if I stick with it or not. The twins seemed interested in it today, so alls not lost.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 35/365: Flu

Day 35/365: Flu
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Today.... Feel like a mac truck plowed in to me.

Pretty sure this is the flu. I finally got the fever down after taking Aleve and Tylenol simultaneously.

Unfortunately I still feel like poop.

I thought I'd let the dogs in the bedroom with me this morning. That didn't work out well. Whenever they get in my room they think it's party time. They go wild jumping off and on the bed playing with each other.

So I evicted them. Well, not Charley. He's a good boy. He stayed with me for most of the day until I got up again. And he's still laying next to me! The other two are out in the yard barking. Sigh @ girls. They are crazy.

I've been living off oranges, grapes, and strawberries. Best stuff ever. I really want some blueberries now though!

I hope it's a "mini" flu. I know they don't exist, but I am gonna pretend they do. When the fever starts coming back again I guess I'll hole up in the bed again with Charley.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 34/365: Signs of Illness

Today I woke up, grudgingly. I was achy and coughing. No fever. Figured I had picked up a cold.

I made it until I went to pick up the kids from school. Then I crashed into my bed like a load of bricks. The fever had started.

I stayed there the rest of the day and night.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Michael thought this was funny

Michael LOL'd at me and took a picture.

I stuck a chip in her mouth and walked out of the kitchen with my tea in one hand and her in the other. She's got a chip hanging out of her mouth and I'm carrying her around, I guess it was entertaining for him? The things that make him chuckle baffle me sometimes :-).

HORRIBLE photo of me- never a good idea taking a photo looking UP at anyone.... lol

Just focus on Sophie!

Hospital, Cruddy News...

Hospital, Cruddy News...
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I really don't like hospitals.

My sister almost died in one when I was 17. It was awful. She was there for a full month and in a coma for almost all of it. She came out ok in the end but it was the worst experience I had ever been through at the time.

Not long after that my mother in law got put into the hospital and had to have a triple bypass. More rough stuff. Luckily she made it out fine too, other than dietary restrictions.

I was next, with the twins. We were all having separate issues. After a couple of weeks they induced labor and they were born prematurely.

Matthew was in the ICU for several days with breathing problems but Moira was fine from birth. Matthew gave us several scares but you would never know it nowadays!

There's been a few others mixed in there as well....

Now my father in law is in there. He had part of his colon removed.

Unfortunately, at this point, we believe he has permanent kidney problems.

It was preventable. That's what's even more upsetting.

He was given a Bowel prep agent two times. Once was for the colonoscopy. The next time was before the surgery.

The problem is that he is 70. They gave him a Concentrated phosphate solution both times.

These can cause renal failure. This is what is happening to my father in law. Crystals form in the kidneys and permanently damage them.

So now he's having dialysis every couple of days.

He went in to have part of his colon removed and is now suffering from renal failure.

It's horrible. They've known the risks of this for going on 3 years now, but the Dr. gave it to him anyway.

So avoidable!

My father in law is not feeling well, obviously. My hubby is worried about him. We were both in tears leaving today. I like to be hopeful typically.

I say don't worry until you have something "real" to worry about, at this point it seems very likely it's a permanent thing.

Which means lifelong weekly dialysis treatments, not to mention a reduced life expectancy.

It's frustrating when you realize how avoidable this was!!!!! The use of one cleanser over this one. IMO they shouldn't even be using products that can do that kind of damage on ANYONE.

Here's an article that explains it more, if you are in the age range or know family that is- please let them know.

A long walk

A long walk
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
After visiting Michael's dad at the hospital I needed a walk.

I took Charley and Abby around the neighborhood and then we hit the track for a couple of rounds. It was already dark out so I prefer the nice lit track for that. I'm prone to twisting my ankle if I step in a dark pothole so I can avoid them this way! lol

I wanted to get Charley, myself, and Abby in the shot but Charley had other plans (like attempting to chase the joggers that were passing us regularly).

This is kind of a SpooDonna mergey type pic. LOL My attempt to make it sound artistic?

Anyway it could have been more interesting but I'll take what I can get!

It was a nice walk. :-)


breakfast lunch and dinner...

8 lbs gone, I guess salads are good? :-P

I've got a way to go but it's progress! If I want to keep it off I better learn to love a variety of salads. I am in no position to fall off the wagon now, diabetes is attempting to knock on my door. It's hereditary for me so it's **** or get off the pot, basically. Sigh @ aging. Sigh!!!

I have been enjoying them though, nothing better than a cold, crispy plate of veggies.

Here's to better health and thwarting off the diabetes monster.


ps I don't really eat salads 3 meals a day- more like once or twice :-P

Day 33/365 (Bonus): SE Texas Storm 10 minutes and its done

This hail started coming down FAST and hard about midnight. It was huge! The whole storm was done in about 10 minutes. Crazy Texas weather!!! Typical.

Before it started hailing the wind was blowing and there was lots of thunder. It drove the dogs nuts, so I am glad it's over. The barking and woofing was getting to be a bit much!


Here's a pic of a piece of it next to a penny for reference:

It was BIG!

Day 33/365: My Desk

Day 33/365: My Desk
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This is my desk. I regrettably spend far too much time at it. I won't dwell on that though!

I've collected little bits of this and that over the years and it's slowly crept onto my desk. I'm only showing half of my desk, because the other part... well... right now it's full of papers and books. I've even got a bra and flashlight over there. So it won't be shown! Maybe another day when I remove the bra. Shhhhh don't tell anyone.

The poodles up on the monitor started out as my daughters. She kept bringing them up to the front of the house and the dogs LOVED them. So, after a few times of them being drug through the yard I rescued them. The pink one needs to have it's poor nose sewn back on. I'll get to it.

So for now my monitor is their new home. I've also got a couple of plastic twins up there. They are from one of my baby showers. That was in 2000 and I've had them on my monitor ever since (well different monitors but same difference!). There's a little green frog holding a Be Mine heart too. That was from Michael. He got it for me several valentines days ago and it's been there ever since.

I've got an Anne Geddes thing going on too, love her stuff. I always have the latest mini calendar up, along with her print of the stork with the baby twins. I love that one!

The spiral holds my food/fitness journal. I'm down 8 lbs since Jan 1! Go me! :-P I use the shot glass as a pill holder. It usually has my vitamins in it. Since I started using that I never forget to take them!

I've usually got a piece of random paper stuck just under the monitor. That's some kind of reminder typically. Today it's there reminding me to send checks for the kids yearbooks.

There's a couple of bills off to the left. I decided to use one of my recent Target finds as a pen holder. I love that mug, so cute!

I'm a pen snob, so all the pens are various colored Pilot G-2's. Best pens ever!

Not pictured is my hair clip. It's either in my hair or sitting on the desk. As I type this it's sitting on the desk! :-)

My mouse is awesome too! It's a Logitech optical laser something or other. I could look up the exact name but I can't be bothered. Rest assured it rocks.

The green things are mixed nuts. Since I am cutting all the "bad" carbs (ie junk food crap) I am being good and going for nuts and other healthy things. Go me again! The kids like them too so they usually reach for the stash there. Go them too!

Oh, can't forget the chap stick. Gotta have it.

That concludes the tour of Donna's desk for the night. Well, part of the desk anyway.


Sophie Humpsalot

Sophie Humpsalot
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
So... maybe I am trapped in a 13 year olds mind but I find this hilarious.

She does it daily. She gets on Abby's leg and goes to town. It's crazy.

In the beginning Abby would push her off and get up. Now she's so used to Sophie doing it that she just lays there and does whatever she was doing.

There's been times when Charley goes over and does it too. So she's got 2 humpers.

So I guess that makes Abby the Humpee.

Ahhh the memories we are making!

The kids think its hysterical BTW. Who needs the Discovery Channel when you have dogs?


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 32/365: Wild Turkeys

Day 32/365: Wild Turkeys
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
We had another full house Saturday night. Shelby's mom is out of town for a few days so we invited their girls over to spend the night. Of course to be fair Matthew had to have a friend over.

The next day they were all playing in the yard nicely so I figured I'd go out and take some photos while I had the chance.

I see 2 boys banging sticks on the tree, and two girls climbing around on the top of our shed!!!

Luckily I didn't freak out about the shed. If it was the house I would have! The shed isn't all that high off the ground, and if one of them did fall they'd land in a bunch of leaves.

Apparently they were going up there to get away from the boys. Matthew was apparently scared to climb up there- who knows why, he isn't scared of anything else!

After a little bit he decided he'd climb up there too, so that totally ruined the girls "hideout". HA!

We are planning on building a tree house for them this spring, the kids should enjoy that. They are ALL monkies!

Cute monkies, of course. :-)
