Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17/365: Michael

Day 17/365: Michael
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This is Michael. I am married to him.

We met 16 years ago, almost to the day. His step sister kept me at her house so I could meet him. I really didn't want to meet anyone at the time though. He was cute.. we talked a ton that day. I liked him, but I still wasn't interested in being with anyone.

He asked me if I would go out to a movie with him the following weekend. When he called back to confirm I made up a story about having to go to a friends house. He took it in stride. I figured he'd give up after that, but I was wrong.

He called again the next weekend and I knew I couldn't keep making up busy stories. The gig was up....

Fast forward 16 years...

What was I thinking?!?! The man is CRAZY!!! :-P

First of all... some things I admire about him.

He's VERY smart. When I say that, it's not really a compliment. It's just the truth. The guy is a genius. It makes me jealous!

He's also multi-gifted. When I speak of gifts I speak of things that you cannot "become" good at, you just ARE good at them. You might be able to master them with practice, but you "have it" without trying very hard. His gifts are many. He is a very lucky person.

He's also naturally thin... *grumble*. Lucky Devil!

One of my favorite things about him however.. has nothing to do with any of those.

He is one of the most caring people I know. He has empathy in spades. He takes care of his family and he shows his love for us all daily. That is the best quality he has in my eyes.

He also has humor... which I admire. I am a silly person at heart.. I like to laugh and be silly. He shares that with me. We are a very silly house! Laughter is very important to me and I love that our children are able to grow up in a happy home.

He's got some things that drive me up the wall at times. Many years ago, when we were just a couple of years into our relationship, we were at a clothing store. I forget what we were doing there now, but that doesn't matter.

He broke out into a FLAMING gay routine with one of the sales ladies. Now, if you know me, I have no problem with a persons sexual preference. To each their own, I don't care- we should all be happy. However, he was FLAMING. "Girlfriend, do you think this will make my butt look big?" "Do you think fuchsia is my color honey?" (holds flashy girly shirt up to his chest and does hand/wrist flip). The customer service lady really didn't know what to think!

I mean, totally mortified me. It was AWFUL. I was SO mad... It was a taste of just how well he was at embarrassing the tar out of me. Oh, and boy did it! I am sure my cheeks were 5 shades of red. I was young, 19 or 20 maybe. Nowadays if he did it I'd probably just look at him and roll my eyes.

He can still embarrass me at times. I am fairly liberal but I tend to be conservative when I am around others I don't know well. Him, not so much. He is just as open as he always is. That's a quality I admire, even though at times I might cringe at something he says.

I figure if they are meant to be they will stick around. We've made many wonderful friends over the years so I guess it's not all that bad. He has sent a few running though. (I'll say they are usually the ultra conservative types!)

He works in a pharmacy full of ladies. He LOVES it there. He is the biggest flirt I personally know. Some have asked me how I "put up with him". Truth is there's no "putting up with him". (usually in jest) He is what he is. He loves everyone. He will flirt with anyone. Old, skinny, fat, beautiful, ugly, hospitalized... you name it he'll flirt with them. "How you doing *wink*) They all really seem to love him. That's awesome in my book!

He's a hugger... he hugs everyone. He could know a person for 2 minutes and still give them a hug, men or women. I think it's a sweet part of who he is.

Oh my god... he is SO clumsy. He could trip on a flat surface. He's walked into doors. He's ran carts into people right in front of him. He's banged our kids heads, and other kids heads, into our door frame playing with them. He trips over the dogs, dust, pebbles... well you get the point. Oddly the guy can climb a tree like a monkey... and he's closing in on 39 shortly.

He's very helpful around the house when I need him to be. He'll do dishes (and does frequently) and he is a VERY good cook. I will cook if I *have* to, but I don't enjoy it. I don't know if I will *ever* enjoy cooking. I wish I was different.. but it's just not a love of mine. He has a talent... he can put ingredients together that I would never imagine putting in a dish and turn out a very good meal. He's just good like that :-P.

So... after 16 years of Michael I'd say I am a pretty lucky lady. I could talk for hours about him but I'll end it here. Sure he's got his flaws, we all do. But he's pretty damn awesome in my book.
