Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8/365: Homework

Day 8/365: Homework
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
Day 8/365: Homework

I think I dread homework more than the kids do.

Some days they come right in and I say "Ok you know what to do right?'

They go (deadpan) "Homework."

Yep, get to it!

And that's it, they do it and all is well.

However, there are days.....


"Go do your homework"

"But mom, Sophie needs me to play with her" (that's Moira)

"But mom, I need to pick up the dog poo in the yard" (that's Matt, his paid chore)

It's always something. That was TODAY. Today was not fun with the homework.

Today they had to write a story using all 12 of their spelling words. Not the easiest feat for two 8 year olds.

Particularly two 8 year olds that don't want to be doing it to begin with! If I put them too close to each other they goof off and bicker with each other. They also like to tattle on each other. "Moooom Moira isn't doing her work" Moommm Matthew was looking at me funny".

@##%#@Q%@#%##$% Ahhhhhhhhhh

Today's homework took an hour.... Moira being the last to be finished after a bout of tears and me giving her "the lecture". I started to give her a second round but she decided she'd rather do her homework than listen to it again. I told her to stop her self pity and get on with it. She asked me what pity was. I guess that's part of the learning process involved with homework? lol

I am SO grateful for the school system! The kids seem to respond better to the teacher than to the parents. They know what to expect from me, but the teacher is "the great unknown". Most kids I know respond much better to "the unknown" than to "the known". Mommy is "safe". Go Schools! :-P

Homework sucks but it's a short part of the day thankfully. At least for now...