Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7/356: Me

Day 7/356: Me
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
I wasn't thrilled with any of my self portraits yesterday, took a few right after I got home. Allergies! I was also far too close to the camera lens and it distorted how I really look IMO. There's other things I don't like about it, but maybe you won't notice so I won't point them out :-P.

Anyway.... Here goes :-) Day 7/365...

Today is....

A Bunch of Superficial Randomness About Me, Whoopee!

I hate to shop for clothes! I always have this idea in my head of what I want... but I never find it. So I just wind up frustrated with the entire shopping thing. I'd rather shop for electronics or jewelry, MUCH more fun! Unfortunately those things cost much more than clothes so I don't do much of that either :-P. My closet is a pretty sad place!

I used to be a "cat lady". I would pick up strays and rehome them, I had a bunch of them once in an apartment. We found them behind the dryer in our laundry room. Drove Michael nuts! Now I have 0 cats and prefer dogs.... times change!

Since I was little I always had a feeling I'd have twins. When the Dr. was doing my ultrasound I asked him "Is it twins?" He looked and sure enough, two babies! Michael backed up against the wall in fear, LOL.

I have never been a morning person. I just drag around in the mornings! I am a night owl at heart.

I love the color red. It's vibrant and makes me smile :-).

I keep all the letters people have written to me over the years. I've got letters from some of the 7th grade classes I was in, passing notes under the tables!

I am terrible about remembering birthdays and such. I've even forgotten my own a few times.

I get distracted very easily! If I need to focus on something it needs to be in a really quiet enviroment or I get agitated.

I love having and going to big parties :-).

I hate clutter, it drives me nutty!

I love the cold weather. Texas is awesome but the weather stinks! If Michael was up for it I'd move somewhere very cold and be happy!

I really detest talking on the phone, but most of the time if I get on it I chat away forever. Go figure! I'm more into seeing a person "in person" and talking that way, or just email or IM. Not sure what my deal is with the phone.

I love to listen to other people's stories. Any story, it's interesting to me!

That's it for me right now... maybe I'll do a less superficial "about me" later on this year. :-) ~Donna