Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22/365 (Bonus): Ageing

Day 22/365 (Bonus): Ageing
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
So.... I am starting to get white hair. It's just lovely.


I don't want to get any older, really. I know everyone says with age comes wisdom. While I agree with that, I am not looking forward to all the other things that come with age.

It's true, I really don't want to go back to my 20's. It was a confusing time and I made plenty of mistakes. I'd just rather not go to those.

However, my 30's have been pretty fun so far. I've got wisdom I didn't have in the 20's and I have a good sense of who I am. I like my 30's a lot actually.

But, damn it, don't give me white hair already! I am not ready for that! I am finally comfortable with who I am and where I am going and I get slapped with white hair?

No thank you!


PS I keep pulling this particular hair out because it's so bold and obvious... but it just keeps coming back to laugh at me.