When I met my hubby I knew he was a bit of a nerd. That worked to his advantage with me since I love nerds! :-P
He happens to be a cute, charming nerd. He's got lots of good qualities that I completely adore. Not to say he can't drive me up the flipping wall sometimes- because he can!
However I am not peach myself! If you could live in perfect harmony forever I think it might get a bit dull. But I'm no Rosie the Robot so I wouldn't know about that.
Anyway on to my story!
I knew he loved D&D.. All I really knew about it was that some of my more religious relatives thought it was all part of the Devil's plan to send us all to doom. It never seemed all that bad to me!
Turns out it's just a silly role playing game where a bunch of guys sit around rolling dice around and pretending to be their "character". For the last 16 years I've been watching the hubby play with various friends off and on.
I even tried it a couple of times. However... I can't sit still that long and my mind starts wandering off to other places. Things like "hmm, that window would look really good with red curtains" or.. "I really should be folding the laundry"... or... well you get the point. It bored me!
But for him and his friends it was a fun trip to some far off land where they could be goblins and ogres and mages and rogues. They can come up with all kinds of fun stories. The hubby gets so excited after a game and he always gives me the run down of the highlights.
I tease him about it, naturally. But it is fun listening to him and their adventures for the night :-). I find it cute that all his (almost) 40 something friends are all hanging out rolling dice and playing far away characters from long ago. They even have little miniatures for their characters!
Their game was today and every so often I hear one of them really getting into what they are playing out at that moment. It makes me smile.
They are happy! :-)