Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 33/365: My Desk

Day 33/365: My Desk
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
This is my desk. I regrettably spend far too much time at it. I won't dwell on that though!

I've collected little bits of this and that over the years and it's slowly crept onto my desk. I'm only showing half of my desk, because the other part... well... right now it's full of papers and books. I've even got a bra and flashlight over there. So it won't be shown! Maybe another day when I remove the bra. Shhhhh don't tell anyone.

The poodles up on the monitor started out as my daughters. She kept bringing them up to the front of the house and the dogs LOVED them. So, after a few times of them being drug through the yard I rescued them. The pink one needs to have it's poor nose sewn back on. I'll get to it.

So for now my monitor is their new home. I've also got a couple of plastic twins up there. They are from one of my baby showers. That was in 2000 and I've had them on my monitor ever since (well different monitors but same difference!). There's a little green frog holding a Be Mine heart too. That was from Michael. He got it for me several valentines days ago and it's been there ever since.

I've got an Anne Geddes thing going on too, love her stuff. I always have the latest mini calendar up, along with her print of the stork with the baby twins. I love that one!

The spiral holds my food/fitness journal. I'm down 8 lbs since Jan 1! Go me! :-P I use the shot glass as a pill holder. It usually has my vitamins in it. Since I started using that I never forget to take them!

I've usually got a piece of random paper stuck just under the monitor. That's some kind of reminder typically. Today it's there reminding me to send checks for the kids yearbooks.

There's a couple of bills off to the left. I decided to use one of my recent Target finds as a pen holder. I love that mug, so cute!

I'm a pen snob, so all the pens are various colored Pilot G-2's. Best pens ever!

Not pictured is my hair clip. It's either in my hair or sitting on the desk. As I type this it's sitting on the desk! :-)

My mouse is awesome too! It's a Logitech optical laser something or other. I could look up the exact name but I can't be bothered. Rest assured it rocks.

The green things are mixed nuts. Since I am cutting all the "bad" carbs (ie junk food crap) I am being good and going for nuts and other healthy things. Go me again! The kids like them too so they usually reach for the stash there. Go them too!

Oh, can't forget the chap stick. Gotta have it.

That concludes the tour of Donna's desk for the night. Well, part of the desk anyway.
