Today.... Feel like a mac truck plowed in to me.
Pretty sure this is the flu. I finally got the fever down after taking Aleve and Tylenol simultaneously.
Unfortunately I still feel like poop.
I thought I'd let the dogs in the bedroom with me this morning. That didn't work out well. Whenever they get in my room they think it's party time. They go wild jumping off and on the bed playing with each other.
So I evicted them. Well, not Charley. He's a good boy. He stayed with me for most of the day until I got up again. And he's still laying next to me! The other two are out in the yard barking. Sigh @ girls. They are crazy.
I've been living off oranges, grapes, and strawberries. Best stuff ever. I really want some blueberries now though!
I hope it's a "mini" flu. I know they don't exist, but I am gonna pretend they do. When the fever starts coming back again I guess I'll hole up in the bed again with Charley.