Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 43/365: He is THAT guy

Day 43/365: He is THAT guy
Originally uploaded by donnyatx
You know the guy everyone loves? The guy all the women can tease and be silly with?

Well, that's Michael. He is Mr. Lovable.

He works with a bunch of women. Almost all women actually. It's probably the best thing for him- because he loves attention. He gets plenty there!

Sometimes they bring him food or give him their leftovers. He loves that!

Occasionally he comes home smelling very strongly of perfume- because he is constantly hugging everyone.

One day he came home with a bow stuck to his head. He's come home with notes stuck to him.

Today he came home with a heart sticker on his belly. Pretty fitting since he loves food, particularly if I make it for him. Which, poor dear, he is woefully lacking on.

Anyway..... that little red sticker made me laugh. It also reminds me of why I love him.

'Cause he's so silly!!! :-)
